Thursday, November 21, 2013


Once everyone had gathered into the tent we heard a far off explosion. Everyone rushed outside to see what had happened.
Flame stared out into the distance. "I... Think... That was....... OUR HOUSE!!!!!" He howled.
"B-but... How?" Whispered Pumpkin.
"I don't know! But let's go check!" I said.
When we got there, Flame had been right.
"Well... What... Happened?" Asked Flutter.
"I don't know! But my beautiful house..."I murmured,"Who could have done this?"

For the next few months, we lived the hard life... The homeless life. I even went to the castle to ask for some money for a new house!
I managed to buy a house... But I had no furniture... When everyone was walking out of our house, a humming bird came up to us. He asked us this;
"Alright everyone! Help out here!" He called over his wing. Out of nowhere, a giant flock of hummingbirds started filling our house with stuff!
They left doors!
And... Cars?
And a couch! And chairs, and tables, and hammocks! Oh my!

This is so wonderful! I am going to stop writing now and just enjoy this!